Our Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) Group
domain and technology consultants build innovative process
frameworks, best-practice methodologies and reusable
business logic to help clients achieve their business
objectives - be it to expand their offerings, to diversify
into new businesses and grow through acquisitions and
mergers, or if they are forced to deal with changing
regulatory and risk environments.
Our associate company in India - United Telecom's BFSI Solution
Center is capable of delivering solutions for the Banking, Financial
& Insurance space, offering custom engagement models: thus offering
a powerful platform to accelerate the implementation and alignment
of business objectives with production-ready capabilities and equipped
to deliver beyond the promised benefits of outsourcing and offshore
The BFSI team understands
that the role of information technology today goes far beyond being
just a supportive force in achieving business goals in the financial
services sector.
Personalized enterprise solutions
rapidly built and tailored to unique needs through the use
of re-usable components. We offers dynamic solutions,
which overcome the problems of limited fit and
customization requirements. Thus providing faster
deployment, lowers project risk and provides a lower total
cost of total solution ownership.
Flexible and personalized to address unique business
Component-based, quick to implement
Scalable in both directions – horizontal to cover more of
the enterprise; and vertical to support more business
processes or higher volumes.
Our BFSI offerings provide the following inherent
Faster development and delivery
Increased value for customers
Better quality of solutions
Increased productivity
Easier change-on-demand.