As the capacity of systems grow and with technologies
advancing, allowing closer spacing, and higher numbers of
wavelengths - our DWDM 32s are designed to provide the
bandwidth for large amounts of data, moving beyond
transport to become the basis of all-optical networking
with wavelength provisioning and mesh-based protection.
Switching at the photonic layer enables this evolution, as
will the routing protocols that allow light paths to
traverse the network in much the same way as virtual
circuits do today.
With our DWDM 32 technology, advances are converging such
that an all-optical infrastructure can be envisioned - an
infrastructure, using mesh, ring, and point-to-point
topologies at the optical layer to support the needs of
enterprise, metropolitan access, and metropolitan core
also Metro Area Networks)


The United
Communications Ltd - DWDM-32 system is a DWDM optical
transmission system that supports up to 40 wavelengths as
per ITU-T Grid wavelengths.The system can be smoothly
configured as per Customer requirements for transmission
capacities of 10Gb/s, 20Gb/s, 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s. The
system can be configured for short haul,
Long haul & extra long Haul applications. FEC Technology
is adopted to provide improved optical signal/noise ratio
by approximately 5 dB to realize ultra long span

and Services using DWDM Technology
The metropolitan network market
is nascent across the developing areas in Africa, which
will be driven by demand for new application services and
the introduction of high speed access.
Applications that can be structured in such a network
include e-commerce transactions, packetized voice, and
streaming multimedia. New services, primarily to the
enterprise, include interconnecting and consolidating data
centers, transparent extension of the LAN across the MAN
by connecting geographically disparate locations using
wavelengths over dark fiber, a trend towards SAN
architecture, the server-less office, real-time
transactions backup, and high-speed disaster recovery.
For service providers, new services include support for
access technologies such as DSL, cable, and wireless
(which still requires a land-based transport
infrastructure) and wavelength leasing or
Two of the most important applications for DWDM technology
in the MAN are in the areas of SANs and SONET migration.

Storage Area
Storage area networks (SANs) represent the latest stage in
the evolution of mass data storage for enterprises and
other large institutions. In host-centric environments,
storage, as well as applications, was centralized and
centrally managed. With the advent of client/server
environments, information that was previously centralized
became distributed across the network. The management
problems created by this decentralization are addressed in
two principal ways: network attached storage (NAS), where
storage devices are directly attached to the LAN, and SANs.

Distance limitation can be overcome by transporting data
between one or more enterprise locations and one or more
SANs over the optical layer using DWDM - the distance
separating the enterprise location and the SAN sites can
be greatly extended,
DWDM can also reduce fiber requirements in SANs. By
multiplexing channels over DWDM transport, significant
savings can be realized.

Migration from
SONET is an “agnostic” protocol that can transport all
traffic types, while providing interoperability,
protection schemes, network management, and support for a
Upgrading SONET is expensive, as line-rate specific
network elements are required at each point of traffic
ingress or egress.
Our DWDM technology can be used to increase the capacity
of embedded fiber, while preserving SONET infrastructure,
offering an alternative to expensive SONET upgrades.
Migration from SONET to DWDM is an most important
application. Migration begins by replacing backbones with
DWDM, and then moving toward the edges of the network.
Bandwidth on a SONET ring can be increased greatly by
replacing SONET ADMs with DWDM equipment.

In advanced implementation scenarios, DWDM can be used to
remove an entire class of equipment, the SONET ADMs. This
change allows routers and other devices to bypass SONET
equipment and interface directly to DWDM, while
simplifying traffic from IP/ATM/SONET to POS to eventually
IP directly over the optical layer.

40 Channel Platform
Forward Error Correction (FEC)
B1 bit Error Monitoring
Supports C Band and L Band system
Stand alone –DWDM System
OADM functionality
Low power consumption
2R/ 3R Functionality
Flexible networking –Ring, Mesh & point to Point
Hot Swapping of cards
Optical Dispersion compensation Module
Redundancy (1+1)
Programmable gains at optical amplifier to meet the actual
engineering requirements.
Optical line switching
No Forced cooling required upto 16 channels
SNMP IP based NMS System
Orderwire and Supervisory channel at 1510nm

Modular construction
Supply :
-48Vnominal ( -40 to –60VDC)
Reverse polarity protection for the input supply
Over voltage, short circuit, over load Protection for all
derived DC voltages
Operating temp : 0°C to 50° C
Relative humidity: 10% to 96%
Management system
Fault Management
Configuration Management
Alarm Management
Performance Management
Security Management
Power pre-balance is to adjust the output power of optical
transponder unit through NMS
Optical interface parameters such as wavelength of OTU,
power, gains of EDFA are remotely controlled
User-friendly GUI (Through NMS) for maintenance during
active operation of the system.
Terminal Capacity: 4/8/16/32/40 ITU_T
Carriers in C-band/L- Band
OADM channels: 4 / 8 / 16 Channels
OC-3/ STM-1, OC-12/ STM-1, OC-48/ STM-1
Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet
Fiber Channel & Double Fiber Channel.
Large capacity internet data links for metropolitan areas
Quasi long-haul & very long-haul transmission links
Optical add/drop configuration
Composite network configuration
Enhance OSNR
Low cost system

Get in touch with us if you require more information about
our DWDM Systems
